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Nostalgic Bumper Sticker

Bumper Sticker Design
The theme behind this project was all driving related and had a bit of anger mixed throughout considering the fact that a majority of drivers who would actually display a bumper sticker have been found to be more aggressive overall. So that was the theme.
Reference shape and materials
The entire lot of designs is a bit of a mixed bag consisting of two phrases that incorporate “Captain Crunch” as well as “Honky” a mythical duck who has the abilities to flip people off; and last but not least an acronym that plays on a popularized combination of letters. “H.I.Y.H” which I defined as “Honk If You’re Hungry”.
Design Elements and Shapes
Every design utilizes a simple and timeless family of fonts known as Helvetica with a thick visible outline in black for all designs. A majority of these have bounding lines or shapes with one or more of the edges coming to an angle and all of the backgrounds are a simple plain white.

The idea behind these designs was to communicate something with humor and a bit of violence, a bit of editing was done to make the main character look angry rather than happy. Overall this project was a fun experiment. Below are a four different color variations and just under that is what was left in the editing room.
Color Variations
Nostalgic Bumper Sticker

Nostalgic Bumper Sticker
